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What others have to say...

"Thanks Cyber Detective. You saved my life. If I hadn't found out about my girlfriend's credit problems, I might have made the biggest mistake of my life."
- David Longo, Stockton, California

"I wanted to track down my ex-husband because he hadn't paid child support in 6 years. When I downloaded Cyber Detective off the Web, I found him hiding in Texas. Plus, I was able to find the contact I needed to fill out the paperwork, hire an attorney and collect back payments."
- Karen Green, El Paso, Texas

"I never heard about The Invisible Web until my friend told me about Cyber Detective. Now, I find more dirt on people, and they probably don't even realize it's out there."
- Carmen LaCosta, Danville, Virginia

"The best part about using Cyber Detective is the public records database. I've been looking into buying old homes and reselling them. Now I can locate people who owned the homes, or find out about liens, building permits and other useful information. It saves me a lot of time, because I don't have to drive to the court house all the time."
- J.R. Manning, Jackson, Michigan


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