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Trigger Points

Trigger Points: Key to Pain Management
By Mike Menkes, BA, LMT

Trigger Points are hyperirritable bundles of fibers within a muscle which become "knotted" and inelastic, unable to contract or relax, due to an injury.

The human body is amazing. There are 610 muscles in the body and at one time or another, any one of them or many of them will develop tight, knot-like areas known as trigger points. Trigger points have a number of causes such as overuse, injury, illness or even everyday stress.

Like a muscle, a rope is made of fibers twisted together. When you tie a knot in the rope, it becomes shorter and tighter and the fibers become more twisted. Similarly, the "knots" or trigger points in muscles shorten and tighten the muscle, stretching tendons and ligaments abnormally and reducing blood circulation in the muscle.

When the muscle is tight, it lacks oxygen and the body releases chemicals that "trigger" pain. Your body may become fatigued more quickly because it has to use more energy to move the tightened muscle.

The good news is that for as many tight, painful "trigger points" you can feel in your body, there are just as many uses for IbuCreamTM.

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